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Improve Your Credit
Good credit makes it easy to buy what you want, when you want it—and at the right price. At AmFirst, we want to help you build your credit and long term financial health. We’ll work with you to make sure you have the best accounts, cards, and loans for your unique needs and lifestyle.
You could be approved!
Log in to Online Banking to see your offers!
Now more than ever, is the perfect time to take advantage of your pre-approved offers and save with a loan that meets your needs—especially if you’ve been thinking about making any big purchases or could use a little more financial freedom.
Grow your savings
What do you want from your life? Let us be your partner and help you save big for retirement, holidays, emergencies, and more.
Online Banking
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Rates effective as of: February 18, 2025
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Are you a Member?
Please use your online banking credentials to begin the application process.
Not a member yet?
It’s easy to become a member and begin to take advantage of our wonderful products, services; as well as the other benefits we offer.
You will need the following information in order to complete the application:
- Government Issue ID/ drivers license/ State ID or passport with current address
- Current physical and mailing address
- Social Security Number
- Date of Birth
Important Information about Procedures for Opening a New Account
To help the federal government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.
Online Banking Help
Make a Payment
Please click the link below to make a payment.
New fee for loan payments:
Starting on January 1, 2023, there will be an $8.00 transaction fee for loan payments when members pay with a debit card.
If you are making a loan payment using your checking account and routing number (ACH) there will continue to be no transaction fee. Also, there will continue to be no transaction fee if you are using the transfer function in Online Banking to make a payment.
For questions, please give us a call at 205-320-4000.
Leaving Our Website
You are leaving our website and linking to an alternative website not operated by us. We do not endorse or guarantee the products, information, or recommendations provided by third-party vendors or third-party linked sites.